Churchill Charollais
Our flock of Charollais sheep was established in 1999, our aim being to produce good quality pedigree lambs. We chose the Charollais breed due to their ease of lambing, their fine bone and good growth rates.
Churchill Flock Highlight 2017:
Male of the Year in the South West with Churchill Romeo our shearling ram. Attended 5 shows, won 5 1st prizes. One Reserve Interbreed Title, One championship and One reserve championship.
* Breed Champion with our aged ewe at Yeovil Show * Team of 5 winners at Yeovil Show * Reserve Breed Champion with our Shearling ram at Stithians Show * Breed Champion at Totnes Show with our aged ewe * Reserve Breed Champion with our shearling ewe at Totnes Show * Reserve Breed Champion with the aged ewe at Yealmpton Show * Breed Champion with the Shearling ram at Mid Somerset Show * Reserve Interbreed Champion at Mid Somerset Show
Churchill flock highlights 2015:-
Female of the Year in the South West - Churchill Nightshade
* Breed Champion Liskeard Show - Churchill Nightshade * Interbreed Group of Three at Liskeard Show * Breed Champion Stithians Show - Churchill Nightshade * Breed Champion Yealmpton Show - Churchill Nightshade * Interbreed Champion at Yealmpton Show - Churchill Nightshade * Breed Champion Mid Somerset Show - Churhchill Nightshade * Breed Champion Kingsbridge Show - Churchill Nightshade Unbeaten old ewe at all one day shows in 2015 Churchill Nightshade
Churchill flock highlights 2014:
Female of the Year in the South West - Churchill Malteser Most points won at one day shows in the South West Churchill flock 2nd place large flock in the South West
* Breed Champion at Liskeard Show with Churchill Malteser * Interbreed Champion at Liskeard Show with Churchill Malteser * Breed Champion at Stithians Show with Churchill Malteser * 1st prize with our Dorper ram lamb Stithians Show in the Any Other Native Class * Best Charollais Group at Stithians Show * Breed Champion at Totnes Show with Churchill Malteser * Breed Champion at Yealmpton Show with Churchill Malteser * Reserve Interbreed Champion at Yealmpton Show with Churchill Malteser * 1st Prize Young Handler in the Under 8's Class with Tim and his lamb Katy * Churchill Opal our ewe lamb - 7 1st prizes at 9 shows * Reserve Breed Champion at Honiton Show with Churchill Malteser * Breed Champion at Mid Somerset Show * Interbreed Champion at Mid Somerset Show with Churchill Malteser * Breed and Interbreed Champion at Kingsbridge Show with Churchill Malteser * Breed and Interbreed Champion at Frome Show with Churchill Malteser * Reserve Champion pair of lambs at Truro Primestock Show
Churchill flock highlights 2013 :-
* Reserve Breed Champion Liskeard Show - Churchill Money Penny * Male Champion and Overall Charollais Champion Stithians Show - Rockvilla Limerick * Reserve Champion Charollais Male Stithians Show - Chessex Nacho * Reserve Champion Charollais Female Stithians Show - Churchill Malteser * Champion Charollais Yealmpton Show - Churchill Malteser *Reserve Champion Charollais Yealmpton Show - Rockvilla Limerick *Champion Charollais Totnes Show - Churchill Money Penny * Reserve Breed Champion Mid Somerset Show - Churchill Money Penny * Breed Champion Frome Show - Churchill Money Penny
Churchill flock highlights 2012:-
* Female and male champion, Interbreed female and overall champion Stithians Show * Breed and reserve breed champion Totnes Show * Reserve breed champion Mid Somerset Show * Reserve breed champion Frome Show * Best shearling ram - Frome, Honiton, Totnes and Stithians Shows * Reserve Interbreed group of three Frome Show * Best ewe lamb - Mid Devon and Totnes Shows
Churchill flock highlights 2011:
* Overall Champion Flock in the South West (as judged by the British Charollais Sheep Society)
* Champion large flock in the South West
* Most successful female at the one day shows in the South West (our ewe lamb Churchill Liquorice)
* 2 Interbreed and breed Championships with Churchill Klass Act
* 2 Reserve Breed Championships with Churchill Kay
* Reserve Interbreed Group of three at Frome Show with Churchill Klass Act, Churchill Kay and Churchill Lettuce
* 1 Breed Champion and 2 Reserve Breed Champions with our ewe lamb Churchill Liquorice
* Breed Champion at Devon County Show with Churchill Klassy Girl